A series of photographs that I took at Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Garden were displayed in the City of Greater Dandenong public art space the Garnar Lane…
I ran a series of public programs on a sessional basis at Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens, for the City of Greater Dandenong, in 2014. These images…
Here are some more pics relating to some participatory art programs I did at Heritage Hill Museum and Heritage Garden, during my residency in late 2013, and as…
Party in the Lilac Room was my final installation at Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens, and took the form of a paste up style installation of tiny…
I have been taking lots of photographs at Heritage Hill during my residency. The photographs shown below are part of a series I have begun of museum objects and images…
I have installed my intervention in Laurel Lodge, upturning the usual careful display to depict a scene of Edwardian domestic chaos, on the premise that visitors have dropped…
Prototyping an installation for my Artists Residency at Heritage Hill, a re-arrangement of the historic home Laurel Lodge, depicting Edwardian domestic…
My ephemeral installation in the gardens at Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens has come down. These were tiny paste up children taken from historic photographs from Dandenong…
I have begun my Artists Residency in the lovely studio at Heritage Hill in Dandenong. I am researching and experimenting at this stage, spending time in the two…